Deep Dive Navigation System

Client:  The Keg Steakhouse Bar and Grill
Platform: Website

The Keg restaurant and bar website was a very exciting project to work on. It was an opportunity to work with a very progressive client who was open to change and didn’t have many pre-existing ideas on how the website should be structured. Our task was to redesign the Keg website to reflect the new visual approach of the brand and ensure the design was responsive to allow easy access on most devices. 

Deep diving navigation system

There are two areas on The Keg website where a user is required to drill down through four levels of navigation in order to get to the content they are trying to access.

The original design used drop-down menus to get users to their desired location. This solution was very cumbersome for the user, especially on mobile. One of the major headaches of this system was an extra click required between choices. Visually speaking, housing up to four drop down menus to get to a single piece of content was not the most elegant of solutions.

In order to clean up that process we decided to go with an accordion style navigation system that required only a single click to move forward or backwards through the sets of choices.

As the user dives deeper into a navigation set, the previous selections are listed at the top of the list. A single click allows the user to drill back up a number of levels just as easy as it is to drill further down into the set.

We used this solution in the Location Finder, as well as the Menu section of the website.


Modernized News Section